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Yellow Pages » Music Stores » Massapequa Park Yellow Pages » Barnes & Noble Booksellers

5224 Sunrise Hwy
Massapequa Park, NY 11762
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Tel: (516) 541-1456

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Books & Publications

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Massapequa Park Books & Publications
Massapequa Park Bookstores

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Our business hours are sun 9-9 and mon-sat 9-10. More about us: in the sunrise promenade shopping center, about 3 miles east of the seaford-oyster bay expressway.for details on this store and click here. Our products and services include academic books, accessories, adult books, arts, arts & crafts books, audiobooks, barnes & noble membership, beauty, best sellers, biographies, biography, board games, body, bulk order discounts, business & money, calendars, children & young adults, children's, classical literature, comic books, computing & internet, cooking, cooking, food & wine, crafts books, cultures, dictionaries, diet & health, dvds, dvds & videos, educational games, encyclopedias, fantasy books, fashion, fashion & beauty, fiction, fiction & literature, food, garden, gift certificates, gift services, gift wrapping, gifts, gifts & accessories, gifts for readers, health, health, mind & body, history, home, home & garden, horror books, how-to, humor books, inspirational, journals & diaries, leisure, library services, local interest, magazines, medicine, mind, music, mysteries, mystery & crime, nature, nautical, naval, naval & nautical, newspapers, nonfiction, photo albums, professional, professional & technical, publisher & author guidelines, purchase order accounts, puzzles, reference, religion spirituality, romance books, science & nature, science fiction books, scrapbooks, self help, self-improvement, shipping & deliveries, special orders, sports, sports & leisure, stationery & notecards, study guides, technical, teens, text books, thrillers, toys, toys & games, travel, video games, videos, wine and young adults. Accepted forms of payment are american express, checks, debit cards, discover and mastercard. We prefer to use these brands: barnes & noble.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 541-1456

Visit Website: www.barnesandnoble.com

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 Barnes & Noble Booksellers Reviews   
3 out of 5 stars UE from Lindenhurst, NY on Jun 26, 2014
It's been a long time since I've been in a bookstore ... I do most of my book buying online these days and usually go the used route. I was really bothered by how crazy expensive everything is here now! But I did find some really cool special editions of classics, and I actually ended up buying a couple. So for collectible type stuff, this is still a place worth shopping. But for most books, I would just recommend buying used online.
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