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Yellow Pages » Books & Publications » Bay Shore Yellow Pages » Barnes & Noble

842 Sunrise Hwy
Bay Shore, NY 11706
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Tel: (631) 206-0198

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Books & Publications

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Bay Shore Bookstores

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Our business hours are sun 9-9 and mon-sat 9-10. More about us: on the east side of the gardiner manor mall, between manor lane and sunrise highway and directly across from modells.for details on this store and click here. Our products and services include academic books, accessories, adult books, arts, arts & crafts books, audiobooks, barnes & noble membership, beauty, best sellers, biographies, biography, board games, body, bulk order discounts, business & money, calendars, children, children & young adults, children's, classical literature, comic books, computing & internet, cooking, cooking, food & wine, crafts books, cultures, dictionaries, diet & health, dvd, dvds, dvds & videos, educational games, encyclopedias, fantasy books, fashion, fashion & beauty, fiction, fiction & literature, food, games, garden, gift certificates, gift services, gift wrapping, gifts, gifts & accessories, gifts for readers, health, health, mind & body, history, home, home & garden, horror books, how-to, humor books, inspirational, journals & diaries, leisure, library services, local interest, magazines, medicine, mind, music, mysteries, mystery & crime, nature, nautical, naval, naval & nautical, newspapers, nonfiction, photo albums, professional, professional & technical, publisher & author guidelines, purchase order accounts, puzzles, reference, religion spirituality, romance books, science & nature, science fiction books, scrapbooks, self help, self-improvement, shipping & deliveries, special orders, sports, sports & leisure, stationery & notecards, study guides, technical, teens, text books, thrillers, toys, toys & games, video games, videos, wine and young adults. Accepted forms of payment are american express, cash, checks, debit cards, discover card, mastercard and visa. We offer service in and around residential and commercial. We prefer to use these brands: barnes & noble.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 206-0198

Visit Website: www.barnesandnoble.com

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