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Yellow Pages » Chiropractors » Bellmore Yellow Pages » Badalamenti Anthony DC

1825 Bellmore Ave
Bellmore, NY 11710
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Tel: (516) 781-2300

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Bellmore Chiropractors

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Our business hours are hours by appointment. More about us: experience is the difference, practicing in bellmore for over 15 years, former professional body builder and associate editor of muscle training illustrated magazine, specializing in:, work injuries motor vehicle injuries, prenatal discomfort, senior care, carpal tunnel, ailments treated: neck or low back pain sciatica shoulder elbow knee ankle and arm numbness or weakness, most insurance plans accepted, gentle adjusting techniques and nutritional and weight control counseling available. Our products and services include scoliosis.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 781-2300

Visit Website: doctorb.com

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