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Yellow Pages » Doctors » New Hyde Park Yellow Pages » Associates of Gastroenterology - Chaim I Anfang MD

3003 New Hyde Park Rd Ste 306
New Hyde Park, NY 11042
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Tel: (718) 343-9393

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New Hyde Park Doctors
New Hyde Park Gastroenterology

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More about us: affiliated with lij & north shore university hospitals, gastrointestinal endoscopy and liver diseases. Our products and services include gastroenterology.

Hours: For hours, call (718) 343-9393

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 Associates of Gastroenterology - Chaim I Anfang MD Reviews   
4 out of 5 stars Thelma Daly from Albertson, NY on Mar 20, 2013
I had heard that getting endoscopy was painful and unpleasant, and it was. I can't really say that the doctors or staff members in the reception area went out of their way to make it any less so either, so no compliments there. The clinic was clean and efficient however, and I did get my diagnosis within a reasonable time frame. Thankfully it was all clear, and hopefully it is accurate.
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