Save on Auto Care and Maintenance Needs in Long Island
Wendy L Monday, March 5, 2012
Your car's performance will stay in tip-top shape with the proper care and maintenance work. If you are not the type to want to get your hands dirty, you will need the help of auto care service providers.
Things like changing the oil, changing the filter, changing the brake pads and getting the tires rotated is no clean and easy task. Luckily, there are many places in Long Island that can help you with these high orders.
This week we feature savings opportunities with coupon offers to places like AutoZone, Jiffy Lube and MIDAS.
- Coming to you from AutoZone’s Facebook fan page, complete a form to get a coupon for 30% off a complete brake job. It includes the brake pads, drums, hardware, rotors and shoes. This offer expires on March 13 and is only valid on regular priced merchandise and cannot be combined with other discounts or special offers.
- Locate a Jiffy Lube in Suffolk County for your oil change needs, and you can save $7 with this coupon from No appointments are necessary. Find a location nearest to you by calling 888-99-JIFFY. The coupon expires on March 16.
- Save on your total car care needs at MIDAS with these coupons from While getting your oil changed, it will also offer a courtesy check of your brakes, battery, air filter, fluids, belt and hoses. You can also save on brake pad and shoe installations and many other car care service and parts needs. The coupons expire on March 16.
Take advantage of these offers for a better performing car!
Come back each week for updates on new sales, deals as well as coupon offers available in Long Island that will help keep more money in your wallet.
Also, if you know of any great deals in Long Island you want to share, please let us know.
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Wendy is an expert in saving money and she hopes to bring you savings ideas on a weekly basis. Stay tuned.