James Williams Friday, September 14, 2012 |
As the economy continues to struggle and people of Long Island feel the effects, there are organizations that are there to help. Based in Mineola, Long Island the Island Harvest organization has been taking up the fight against hunger and helping countless thousands of families with their day to day struggles. This month Island Harvest is going to get a tremendous boost in support from another local food organization, Panera Bread.
Starting on September 17th and continuing to Friday, September 21st, Panera Bread will be hosting its third annual "Take A Bite Out of Hunger" food collection drive in order to help Island Harvest with their work around Long Island. Panera Bread is going to collect non-perishable items for Island Harvest and give an incentive for anyone willing to drop off some food. For anyone who will drop off one or two cans, or a box, of food at one of their stores, Panera Bread will hand out one gift coupon good for a FREE grilled breakfast sandwich of their choice. This offer is valid all of the 22 different Panera Bread outlets on Long Island.
Greg George, Vice President of Operations for Doherty Enterprises said of last year's food drive, "Last year, we grilled up over 3,000 free Grilled Breakfast Sandwiches and collected over 4,500 pounds of food to help Island Harvest provide critical food support for Long Island’s hungry." George went on to say, “Year round we package up and donate the bread, bagels, and pastries that remain on our shelves at end of the day to help Island Harvest. During ‘Take a Bite out of Hunger,’ we invite our guests to help, too with canned goods and other non-perishables.”
Island Harvest is especially appreciative of the efforts that Panera Bread, and their employees, put into helping collect food for Long Island's hungry families. This is a great example of how organizations, businesses, and people can come together to do some good within our community. Be aware of the 17th thru the 21st and drop off some food for those who need it.
jamesw@longislandyellowpages.com Appears In: Restaurants & Food
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