John Mitty Thursday, May 23, 2013 |
The Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) of the NOAA Fisheries Service is soliciting commercial trawl vessel quotes for vessels to participate in an industry-based survey of flatfish on Georges Bank. Two trawl vessels will be selected to sample approximately 75 bottom trawl stations each on Georges Bank during a 12 day survey to be conducted in August 2013.
The purpose of the sampling will be (1) to augment sampling effort for commercially important flatfish populations on Georges Bank (NEFSC offshore strata 13-23) to improve stock assessments of these species; and (2) to provide increased biological sampling of these flatfish species in this area. The survey will focus on yellowtail flounder and winter flounder, but the project will attempt to assess as many commercially important flatfish species as possible.
This solicitation can be found at the following link:
and the Request for Quotes with a complete Statement of Work and Vessel Requirements is attached.
Vessel quotes are due on June 26, 2013. Quotes will be accepted electronically at the following email address: and via facsimile at (757) 441-3786. Questions regarding this solicitation should be addressed to
To submit a Quote, you must submit:
1-Pages 1 and 2 of the attached Request for Quotes with block 17a completed and a daily vessel charter price exclusive of fuel costs entered in the unit price for Line Items 0001 and 0003. Fuel costs are estimated on the RFQ and will be reimbursed at actual costs at the completion of the survey.
2-Attachments I and II of the attached RFQ
3- Photocopies of
- Stability Information, as required by vessel class - Insurance Carrier Inspection/Survey
- Crew Medical Certifications - First Aid/CPR/AED |
- If possible, photos of deck, berthing, and wheelhouse electronics |
4- If you are not registered in the System for Award Management (SAM, formerly Central Contracting Registry) you must submit the completed Section # 4 –Pages 23-35 of the attached RFQ - OFFEROR REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS--COMMERCIAL ITEMS Successful quoters will need to obtain a DUNS number and register in the SAM system. A QuickStart Guide to register for a DUNS number and in SAM is attached. Successful quoters must be available to sign contract documents in mid-July, and available to complete the survey work in August of this summer.
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