James Williams Tuesday, December 11, 2012 |
There is no question that the restaurants and amazing eateries that dot the Long Island coastline have been severely damaged because of Super Storm Sandy. As the restaurant owners continue to try and get everything back together there is still a tremendous amount of work to be done, and money to be spent, in order to get everything back to where they were before the storm.
All along Long Island there are several different restaurants, cartering houses, and diners that have been closed due to the damage received from the storm surge and powerful winds. The owners are wondering how they can get things operational again before the tourist rush next season. Right now, without any type of service, there is no money coming in to get them ready again.
Caterers, restaurants, and hotels in the Long Island area say the overall business in the area is down almost 60% due to the many closings. While this does bode well for those still open, it is a reminder that many business owners are left without any income.
Maybe they can learn something from the inner city to get themselves back online. The Water Club restaurant on the East River and 30th Street in Manhattan looks normal on the outside. But Hurricane Sandy's storm surge ruined the electrical wiring, boilers, and wood floors inside. Restoring the restaurant will take months and millions of dollars in repairs. But, the owners are determined.
Overall that is what it is going to take in order for the Long Island business owners to get things back in order. While the Water Club will survive because the owner saved up money he can use for repairs, his 100 workers are unemployed until spring 2013. The same thing is happening here on Long Island. People are getting their businesses repaired, but in the meantime there are thousands of people unemployed as they wait.
The struggles of rebuilding, and those that are unemployed, are just a few of the problems facing these businesses. However, by working together, within the community, they will move beyond the current situation and bring their businesses back to be enjoyed again.
jamesw@longislandyellowpages.com Appears In: Restaurants & Food
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