July Events For Huntington Oyster Bay Audubon Society
John Mitty Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Listed below are the Huntington- Oyster Bay Audubon Society events for JULY 2013. All trip leaders have given permission for their phone numbers to be printed in publicity releases. They will be able to give callers the most specific information about the events. Attached are photos that can be used for the events listed below. Please be advised that all events require registration, except for the program on July 17, 2013.
Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon serves Huntington and Northern Oyster Bay townships, including Syosset, Oyster Bay, Centre Island and Jericho. For more information please visit:www.hobaudubon.org.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013 7:00 PM
Beat the Heat Summer Film Series - Green Fire Documentary Encore
The Huntington Oyster Bay Audubon invites you to a special encore screening of Green Fire, the first full-length, high-definition documentary film ever made about the legendary conservationist Aldo Leopold and his environmental legacy. Many of you missed our Long Island premier of this wonderful film due to a stormy weather forecast. Green Fire shares highlights from his extraordinary career, explaining how he shaped conservation and the modern environmental movement. It also illustrates how Leopold's vision of a community that cares about both people and land continues to inform and inspire people across the country and around the world, highlighting modern projects that put Leopold’s land ethic in action in a multitude of ways.
Location: Cold Spring Harbor Library, 95 Harbor Road, Cold Spring Harbor. No registration required. Go to
www.hobaudubon.org for more information.
Field Trips
Saturday, July 6, 9:30 AM
Young Naturalists Butterfly Discovery at Stillwell Woods Preserve for Families
Join Huntington-Oyster Bay Audubon Society on a walk as we search for various butterfly species that utilize this preserve and learn about the remarkable annual journey of the Monarch butterfly, as well as its critical relationship with milkweed.
Directions: Jericho Tpke to South Woods Rd in Syosset. Go north about 1.5 miles. As soon as you pass Syosset HS, look right for the entrance to the park. Drive past the ball fields to the end of the parking area near the gate to the trails. You may have to park further up if there are soccer games in progress. We will meet in front of the gate by the entrance to the trails.
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