Ralph C Tuesday, February 5, 2013 |
Physics enthusiasts in Long Island are probably aware that Brookhaven in Suffolk County is home to a relativistic heavy ion collider, housed in Brookhaven National Labs. Unfortunately, the ion collider’s future is in financial jeopardy following a January meeting between the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation Nuclear Science Advisory Committee.
The ion collider is currently undergoing important upgrades, but unless the reactor’s budgetary needs are met, the upgrades will not be able to proceed. Brookhaven’s ion collider is not the only one which is on the verge of losing all funding either. Two other facilities, one at Jefferson Labs and another at the Michigan State University, may also be forced to shut down. For the labs to stay in operation, a moderate budget increase will be required—and unfortunately a staff layoff may also result, especially if the budget isn’t met.
“Even though this report is non-binding, it should serve as a call to arms for those who care about scientific research, Long Island’s economy, and our nation’s position,” stated Senator Charles Schumer. “The solution to the problem is simply to make sure that the budget for nuclear research in this country is given a modest boost, so that hundreds of jobs on Long Island are preserved.”
ralph@longisland.com Appears In: Business News
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