Back-to-School Savings on Long Island
Wendy L Monday, August 13, 2012
In a matter of weeks the kids will be back to school. It can be a bitter sweet moment. Summer may be coming to an end, but many stores will be gearing up for back-to-school deals and offers.
Have your kids start the school year off right – feeling good and having the proper supplies – by reaping these back-to-school savings opportunities:
- Free Kid's Haircuts: Throughout the month of August, JCP Salons on Long Island and throughout the nation are offering kids (K – 6th) a free haircut. Book an appointment now – while they last – by calling 855-JCP-KIDS or stopping by your local JCP Salon. Long Island locations include the South Shore Mall in Bayshore, Sunrise Mall in Massapequa, Roosevelt Field Shopping Center in Garden City and Green Acres Mall in Valley Stream. This offer is for wet cuts (does not include shampoo), so make sure your kids have a clean head of hair or you can pay an additional fee for shampoo service.
- Footwear: Shop at Famous Footwear for that pair of sneakers your kids will need for gym class or dress shoes for assembly day. Print off these coupons and you can save 15% off your purchase or 20% off if you are a rewards member. Coupons are valid thru Aug. 18.
- School Supplies: There are some items that you have to restock up on each year for school. To name a few, they include binders, Post-it notes, notebooks, student planners, crayons and pens. Find printable coupons on such items from Target and Staples is also offering $5 off a $50 or more in-store purchase with this coupon (valid thru Aug. 18). Its weekly ad (ending Aug. 18) also shows extreme deals such as $0.10 Staples composition books with a $5 minimum purchase, a 7-pack of Zebra® Z-Grip retractable ballpoint pens for “Free” with its easy rebate and an 8-pack of Staples #2 yellow pencils for $0.25.
Have fun shopping for back-to-school supplies!
Come back each week for updates on new sales, deals as well as coupon offers available on Long Island that will help keep more money in your wallet.
Also, if you know of any great deals on Long Island you want to share, please let us know.
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Wendy is an expert in saving money and she hopes to bring you savings ideas on a weekly basis. Stay tuned.