Cynthia Marie Friday, December 21, 2012 |
When it comes to events that can make you cry without any hesitation because of the sheer madness of it, it has to be the events at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday. 20 children lost their lives, along with 6 teachers and faculty, beacuse of the deranged mind of a 20 year old who thought it would be fun to shoot a bunch of little children. As a way of not only paying honor to those who have lost their lives, but also showing the solidarity of a nation standing with the families and community of Newtown, a moment of slience was held today at 9:30 AM.
This moment of silence was more than just a new Twitter hashtag to use, it was a moment when the nation could stand together against the evil that raged that day. People all across Long Island joined with the rest of the nation in what Gov. Andrew Cuomo says is to “help bear the pain of their community.” In this the governor also asked houses of worship and other places that can to ring their bells 26 times, once each for the 20 children and six women murdered at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.
There is no question that this was a tragic event, and a black spot in our nation's history. We should not forget this day, nor should be give up our resolve to never let this happen again. Appears In: Local Events
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