John Mitty Tuesday, October 23, 2012 |
In 15 days our future will be decided and that of our children!
Will we re-elect a congressman who used his position to walk away from his debt obligation to the tune of $93,000?
Or will we send to the halls of Congress a man who has served his country for 24 years in defense of the values our country was founded upon?
Help Stephen Labate Become Our New Congressman!
Congressman Israel has done nothing to create jobs on Long Island, reduce taxes or improve the Long Island economy.
Congressman Israel talks about all the bills he has proposed, but in 12 years in Congress only 2 of his bills have become law and they were both the renaming of Post Offices.
Just what has Congressman Israel been doing for the past 12 years?
Help Stephen Labate defeat Steve Israel!
While Congressman Israel has been living off the taxpayers for the past 12 years, Stephen Labate has been serving his country. Stephen was deployed 3 times since the attacks of 9-11, including a tour in Iraq, and presently holds the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Army Reserves.
Now Stephen is ready to serve his country in the halls of Congress in order to secure a better future for his children and yours. Please support him so he can fight for you.
Stephen Labate knows that we can’t afford another two years of Congressman Israel who voted for Obamacare, the failed “Stimulus” and the bailouts of failing companies. Congressman Israel must be defeated!
If you agree, join Team Labate and contribute today!
On Tuesday, November 6, 2012, the election is in your hands. You have the opportunity to elect Stephen Labate, who will work to bring jobs back to Long Island, lower taxes and grow the Long Island economy.
Join me in ushering in a better future for Long Island by supporting Stephen Labate!
Thank you,
Chris Thompson
Campaign Manager
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