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Yellow Pages » Mental Health » Malverne Yellow Pages » Araoz DR. Daniel L. Naap

66 Gates Ave
Malverne, NY 11565
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Tel: (516) 599-5905

Appears In:
Mental Health
Health & Medical

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Malverne Mental Health
Malverne Health & Medical

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More about us: you are confused, unhappy but want deeper contentment in everyday living. you are motivated to grow in honest self-knowledge to cope with life more successfully, with increasing satisfaction and inner peace. i'll help you with practical psychoanalysis, the zen of western culture. because 'the symptom is not the whole story' i'll help you uncover and understand and use the unconscious dynamics underlying your symptoms. this uniquely individual truth you discover bringa new freedom and happiness. your values become clear and your decisions correct. your deep insight and self awareness will let you live fully the good life. We specialize in adults, anxiety or fears, depression, dissociative disorders, divorce, gay lesbian issues, life coaching, personality disorders, ptsd, relationship issues, sex therapy, spirituality and trauma and ptsd.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 599-5905

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