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Yellow Pages » Lawyers » Hewlett Yellow Pages » Amy Berkowitz

1491 Moffitt Ave
Hewlett, NY 11557
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Tel: (718) 777-1977

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Hewlett Lawyers
Hewlett Attorneys

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Our business hours are hours by appointment. More about us: bankruptcy protection!, feeling like your financial world is about to crumble?, do you need financial relief?, we can help!, low cost flat fees, stop, credit card lawsuits and we are a debt relief agency. we help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. Our products and services include auto, business, chapters 7, 11 and 13, creditor harassment, foreclosures, garnishments, judgements, mortgage problems, pension, prompt personal service, protect: your home, real estate - divorce - wills & estates, wages, we are a debt relief agency. we help people file for bankruptcy, we are a debt relief agency. we help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. and free consultation. We prefer to use these brands: auto.

Hours: For hours, call (718) 777-1977

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