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Yellow Pages » Plumbers » Island Park Yellow Pages » Always Reliable Plumbing & Heating

711 Railroad Pl
Island Park, NY 11558
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Tel: (516) 358-2140

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Island Park Plumbers

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Our business hours are 24 hour service. More about us: residential and commercial, drains & sewers electrically cleaned drain vision, certified backflow tester, gas heat conversions, free estimates on alternations renovations & boilers, licensed insured bonded, minor repairs to major alterations and lic # nassau tnh 0858. Our products and services include (fuel deliveries), 24 hour emergency service, alterations, boilers, cleaning, commercial services, construction, drainage systems, drains, drains & sewers electrically cleaned, energy, energy management systems, estimates, expert boiler repairs installations, free estimates, gas heat conversions, gas heat conversions value plus installer, gas systems, gas, heat conversions, hot water heaters, keyspan energy, keyspan energy gas, heat conversions, maintenance, minor repairs to major alterations, oil & gas boilers, on alterations, on alterations renovations & boilers, radiant heat & instant water heaters, radiant heat & tankless water heaters, radiant heating systems, remodeling, renovations, renovations & boilers, repair services, repairs, repairs service, residential & commercial - minor repairs to major alterations, residential and commercial, residential services, service agreements, sewer repair & replacement, tankless water heaters installed, value plus installer, ventilation systems and water heaters. Accepted forms of payment are all major cards accepted, american express, discover card, mastercard and visa. We prefer to use these brands: energy and keyspan. Our certifications include bonded, certified, insured and licensed. Emergency services 24 hour emergency service.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 358-2140

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