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Yellow Pages » Pest Control » Smithtown Yellow Pages » Advanced Nuisance Wildlife Control Services Inc

41 Rose St
Smithtown, NY 11787
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Tel: (631) 979-2481

Appears In:
Pest Control
Animal Removal Services

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Smithtown Pest Control
Smithtown Animal Removal Services

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Our business hours are 24 hours 7 days and 24 hours a day. More about us: residential, commercial, over 15 years experience and owner operator. Our products and services include 24 hour emergency service, advanced, animal relocation, animal rescue, animal transport, animal trapping, attic vents screened, barriers, bats, birds, chimney caps installed, consumer awareness message, consumer awareness message 24 hrs. a day, damage repaired, emergency service, emergency service 24 hours - 7 days, fox, opossum, opossum etc., pigeons, raccoonns, squirrels, bats, birds, woodchucks, opossum, fox, pigeons, etc., raccoons, raccoons, squirrels, bats, birds, woodchucks, opossum, fox, pigeons, etc., removal, repellents, residential services, screens, squirrels, the wildlife removal specialists, ventilation, wildlife control, wildlife removal specialists and woodchucks. We specialize in attics, bats, birds, chimneys, commercial, damage, foxes, opossum, opossums, pigeons, raccoons, repairs, residential, squirrels and termites. Accepted forms of payment are all major cards, american express, licensed & insured, mastercard and visa. We offer service in and around residential and commercial. We prefer to use these brands: commercial, fox and residential. Our certifications include insured and licensed.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 979-2481

Visit Website: www.liwildlife.com

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