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Yellow Pages » Employment Agencies » Melville Yellow Pages » Access Accounting Professional

25 Melville Park Rd Ste 115
Melville, NY 11747
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Tel: (631) 777-2800

Appears In:
Employment Agencies

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Melville Employment Agencies

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More about us: attorneys, clinical staff, medical office, retail, sales and customer serviceview website . Our products and services include a p - a r, a p- a r, acccounting, accounting, admin assts., admin, assts, admin. assts., benefits, bookeeping, bookkeeping, clinical staf, contract, controllers, credit & collections, customer, customer service, data entry, engineering, fin'l analysts, financial analysis, financial analysts, full time, full time temporary contract, h, help desk, hum, human resources, info, information technolo, information technology, insurance, legal secretaries, light industrial, logistics, marketing, nursing, payroll, personal comm'l lines, pharmaceuticals, purchasing, receptionists, retail, sales and temporary. We prefer to use these brands: customer service.

Hours: For hours, call (631) 777-2800

Visit Website: www.accessstaffing.com

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