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Yellow Pages » Florists » Island Park Yellow Pages » A & T Garden Center & Nursery INC

4373 Austin Blvd
Island Park, NY 11558
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Tel: (516) 431-6821

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Island Park Florists

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Our products and services include annuals, bushes, business services, custom baskets, florist supplies, flowering plants, flowering trees, flowers, gardening, greenhouse, home decor accessories, industrial equipment, nursery plants available, nursery stock, perennials, plants, shrubs, trees and water features. We prefer to use these brands: 1-800-flowers.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 431-6821

Visit Website: www.atgardencenter.com

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 A & T Garden Center & Nursery INC Reviews   
5 out of 5 stars A Barnett from Woodmere, NY on Dec 15, 2012
My garden is a big part of my life, and I love getting new plants and experimenting with my setup to make it better. They not only have tons of beautiful plants at the garden center, but also some cool stuff to make the garden look nice, like fountains, planters, water gardens, etc. I've installed a couple of fountains in my back yard and it looks really amazing. I want to add a water garden or a pond next, but it's a big project so I haven't gotten around to it just yet.

As a note, they also sell arrangements here--for weddings, funerals, birthday parties, and so on. A very convenient discovery. I've bought a couple of arrangements here and been happy with them.
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