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Yellow Pages » Grocery & Convenience » Hicksville Yellow Pages » 7-Eleven Food Store 27525

500 W Old Country Rd
Hicksville, NY 11801
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Tel: (516) 932-2024

Appears In:
Grocery Stores
Grocery & Convenience

HyperLocal (NEW):
Hicksville Grocery Stores
Hicksville Grocery & Convenience

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More about us: the place to find all your needs and one stop shopping. Our products and services include beverages, candy, cigarettes, doughnuts, frozen foods, hot dogs, ice cream, lottery, magazines, money order, newspapers, novelties sundries, pastries, sandwiches, snacks and tobacco products.

Hours: For hours, call (516) 932-2024

Visit Website: www.7-eleven.com

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 7-Eleven Food Store 27525 Reviews   
3 out of 5 stars UE from Levittown, NY on May 26, 2013
7-11 is the same everywhere you go. Fail service (no service actually), a lousy selection, and no bathroom. And their gas prices aren't even that low. I can go down the street and save money at the Shell ...
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